After passing out halloween bags, everyone was ready to open them....we (I) decided that taking them home and getting sugared up was a much better idea, they got to pick out 1 piece of candy from stash b4 story time.
.... candy and story time....
I have tons of breakfast, lunch and snack pictures. These kiddos love to eat and will usually eat about anything I put in front of them. The conversations they have never ceases to amaze me....they truely enjoy their lunch hour-just chatting and eating away. It does make me a little sad that when they get in school they have about 30 sec. to chat and about 3 minutes to eat.
One cold morning last week I sat with the girls for almost an hour at the table doing just this....stickers, paper, cutting....
Dress up....still a fav. and what will get us through the cold winter days. If you ever see cheap dress up clothes grab them....I'll pay you back. Some of ours are getting pretty used.
One last pict. got to pick out a tatoo for good picker-uprs
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